Saturday, 4 February 2012

The Often Overlooked and Under Utilized Power of Internal SEO

In recent years, there has been a lot of hype surrounding the various strategies of link building and offsite SEO work. Although extremely powerful and definitely needed, other aspects of SEO can be just as important. Simply improving the internal quality of your site can have profound effects, perhaps pushing you over a hurdle that link building could not fix.

The following are a list of important onsite SEO points of focus:

Page and Post Titles: Titles have a lot of influence on search results so be sure to include your keywords within them. The titles are also what are display in the search result page so create engaging and interesting titles that draw in your readers.

Permalinks: A lot of content management systems and free blogging software, will be default, structure your URLS to have ugly and non search friendly URLs. Alter the default structure to include the name of your page or post so that it looks more like, rather than When your keyword is included in the URL, it will often be highlighted on the search engine results page.

Images: Images can be a powerful addition to the overall quality of your website. However, Google and other popular search engines are not able to view the image and judge its content and relevance. So we need to tell them. Be sure to include a descriptive title and alt text.

Heading Tags: Search engines give extra SEO credit to words bolded in the H1-H6 heading tags. Be sure to structure your site like an outline, utilizing these tags naturally. Don't go overboard and put the entire body of your page in H1. This will look unnatural and your site may be penalized.

Meta Tags: It is commonly believed that Google no longer crawls for this data due to over abuse and keyword stuffing in the past. However, other search engines may still utilize the information so it doesn't hurt to add this in. Don't repeat yourself or keyword stuff.

Interlinking: It is good practice to include links within your website that links to other content on your site. Not only is this good for the flow of your readers, but it is also good for search engine crawlers to find more of your content.

NoFollow: If you have affiliate links or other website that you link to (and don't want to share SEO link juice) then be sure to include the nofollow tag in your link code. The code is rel="nofollow".

Sitemaps: Sitemaps are also for the benefit of the search engines that crawl your site. Google even allows you to submit a sitemap directly. This is helpful in getting all your content indexed so that searchers can find it. Without being indexed, the information you work hard to share, wont be searchable.

On site SEO can be a powerful tool. With each new update of the search engines, they become more sophisticated and accurate. Don't try to fool them. Provide natural, good, unique content and your site will climb the rankings. Search engines try to emulate real people. Make a site people like and the search engines will follow.

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